The blog that documents the transition of a former Sport Psychology (MSc) Graduate, into the world of Cloud Technology and Full Stack Development.

Hello World!

print(“Hello World”)

Camille Francis

I had to do the obligatory “Hello World!” titled first blog entry that every ‘Techy’ does. This is my first official foot into the tech world, where I’ll be documenting my tech journey as I go from ‘Hello World’, and barely understanding tech memes, to a seasoned professional who resonates with tech memes on a spiritual level.

Jokes aside, I’ll do a little introduction to cap off this short first blog entry. So, I’m 25 and I initially came from a sporting background, where I worked towards the end goal of playing professionally and becoming a Sport Psychologist. After 5 years of uni, I experienced burnout and wanted to move away from psychology, and decided to explore other avenues.

I eventually enrolled onto the AWS re/Start course hosted by an organization called Generation (UK & Ireland). The 12 week bootcamp provided me with IT foundations such as: networking, security, linux, and Python, in addition to AWS training in preparation for the CCP exam. I’ve since graduated and passed my CCP exam, where I am now looking to land my first Cloud Engineering role.

That’s the end of my brief intro of how I got here, but my goal with this blog is to show everyone who reads this that they can achieve the career they want if they work hard and smart. So stay tuned for my upcoming posts, where I will discuss my journey to discovering my career path, navigating the job searching landscape, and upskilling.

Thanks for reading!

About ME

I’m an AWS re/Start graduate (Sept 22) who is starting up in the world of tech. Stick around to follow my journey…

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